Energizing life for our customers is the purpose behind everything we do. Delivering the life-sustaining and life-enhancing products and services our customers depend on is our very reason for existing and it drives us forward as we continually renew our commitment to stewardship. Meeting the interests and needs of all our stakeholders begins with rates that are among the lowest in the nation and continues with OG&E working to serve the needs of our customers and communities – and becoming an industry leader in emissions reductions, and so much more, in the process. (For your convenience, you can now download all of the infographics from this page in poster or booklet form.)
Learn about our story on this web site (
OG&E's rates are more than 30% below the national average
Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) is expanding its partnership with the Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City to increase diversity in the energy industry. OG&E’s foundation, the OGE Energy Corp Foundation, Inc., awarded a $175,000 grant to the Urban League, and OG&E will work with the nonprofit to provide energy industry training and create awareness of career opportunities with OG&E and its contractors.
Please visit our Stewardship Activities page for additional stories about what OG&E is doing to improve our communities.
Emissions Reductions 2005-2019
SO2 lower by ~90%
NOx lower by ~75%
CO2 lower by >40%
Expected Emissions Reductions by 2030
CO2 lower by ~50% over 2005 levels
2019 Power Plant Emissions
NOx: 8,386 tons
SO2: 2,764 tons
CO2: 13,319,513 tons
(12,130,523 metric tonnes CO2e)
Mercury: 30 lbs (14 kg)
2019 Carbon Intensity Rate*
1,217 pounds CO2e/gross MWh
(0.55 metric tons CO2e/gross MWh)
* The carbon intensity rate expresses calendar year CO2 emissions intensity within OG&E’s operational boundary. It combines gross electric generation from the solar, wind and fossil-fueled facilities the company owns and operates with continuously monitored CO2 emissions from the fossil-fueled facilities the company owns and operates.
Energy Saved Due to Energy Efficiency Programs
~155,700 MWh/year
Emissions Avoided due to energy efficiency programs
21 tons SO2/year
64 tons NOx/year
103,000 tons CO2e/year
Total Water (2019)
Withdrawn: 18,472 million gallons
Returned: 17,287 million gallons (93.6%)
Consumed: 8,820 million gallons
Water reused from municipal wastewater treatment systems (2019)
2,606 million gallons
Environmental Stewardship
We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint.
Social Stewardship
We embrace the uniqueness of each of our employees.
Corporate Governance
We adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance.
Fact Sheets/ Downloads
Quick facts about our ESG efforts to view online or print and go.
EEI ESG Template
EEI/AGA developed ESG/sustainability reporting template w/OGE Energy data.
OGE Energy Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics focuses on how we at OGE Energy should conduct business.
Total Customers
Residential Customers
Avg. 2019 electrical rate (/ kWh)
2019 Electricity Delivered (millions of MWh)
Commercial Customers
Avg. 2019 electrical rate (/ kWh)
2019 Electricity Delivered (millions of MWh)
Industrial Customers
Avg. 2019 electrical rate (/ kWh)
2019 Electricity Delivered (millions of MWh)
Other Retail Customers
Avg. 2019 electrical rate (/ kWh)
2019 Electricity Delivered (millions of MWh)
Electricity generated (2019)
17 million MWh
92%/fossil fuels
Electricity purchased (2019)
14 million MWh
Length of transmission lines
~5,400 route miles
Length of Distribution Lines
~55,600 conductor miles
Grid Resiliency (2019)
SAIDI: 134.39
CAIDI: 171.01
SAIFI: .7858
Economic & Community Development
Partnership with our community leaders in the areas of economic and community development, led to the creation of 5,400 new jobs, $1.5 billion in capital investment and 175 MW of new load within the OG&E service area in 2019
OG&E’s 2019 TRIR of 0.89 continued the trend of last four years being the safest four years in company history.
Board Diversity
Winning “W” Company by 2020 Women on Boards for achieving and maintaining 20% women on Board of Directors
2019 Coal Combustion Products
89% of coal combustion products were beneficially reused in 2019